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2024 Year of the Wood dragon / The Last of the Ancient Earth Keepers

Writer: Aiyana Saint GimbelAiyana Saint Gimbel

True, it is my Chinese birth sign. June 30, 1964

True, I, a Wood Dragon, have written an Environmental/Spiritual book starting in 1987, that by this time, 2024, my life would become a self-fulfilled prophecy that relates to everything that is happening in the here and now, 2024.

In the summer of 1987, I received this story through a direct download from the Great Mystery while I was hanging my laundry & linens on the clothesline in lovely New Paltz, NY in Hudson Valley. As I gazed up, I witnessed a "Rainbow Drew Around the Sun", as sung in one of my favorite "Outlaw" songs from the 70s, "Green Grass and High Tides"

I began to write a story on my typewriter and developed character and plot lines, that are on onion skin paper, safe in a bank vault to this day. It was not until 2019 that I learned this event was related to the 1987 Harmonic Convergence alignment. A celebrated day that many "Light-Workers", prophets & visionaries claimed to be a direct opening of Original Source for new ideas, inventions and creations.

Truth, in this book, Xandrah, a lovely mother story-telling Dragon, gets captured and flown away by "The Minds of Science" away from her son, Oyasin, who is left on his own to discover how to fly.

Truth, on Oyasin's first flight, a Rainbow is Drew around the Sun by his magnificent wings.

Truth, When he finally lands, he is greeted by a White Buffalo!

2024 started out another trauma regaining life and attempts to shake off the effects of Natural Disasters of Lava and Identity theft, Intellectual property theft. I have been in Isolation since 02/22/2016. A nightmare that has been revealed as a CHAOTIC disruption through eruptions of Lava, heavy metal poisoning, COVID, homelessness, false persecution, hurricanes, and deep sleep for 8 years, still counting, leaving me alone, terrified, and hospitalized numerous times.

What has also been revealed in 2024, is that the Rainbow Prophecy, which is what my book is about, is becoming reality.

Robert Kennedy announced he was running for office on October 9th, 2023.

In March 2024, the political scene was revitalized, sparking a sense of optimism and hope for the future when he unveiled his vice-presidential candidate, Nicole Shanahan. I joined Team Kennedy and started to become more engaged, sensing that this disruptive energy would soon be transformed into positivity.

April 8, 2024: The Solar Eclipse was a powerful energetic event that many of these dark forces were interested in, feeling that this was now going to be the time that they would have power over the world! lol.

Actually, this Solar Eclipse was foretold that this would be the time of Great Change and that the Darkness would be ABSOLVED into the light!

"Black Hole Sun", the song by Sound Garden, revealed an eerie visual of just how true this "prophecy" was. However, the Chaotic forces around me started revealing themselves just a little too much to be akin to "Seven Nation's Army", another song in the algorithms based upon intellectual property theft.

June 6, 2024, the middle of the year, an amazing event occurred that went largely unnoticed by the American People. This was the birth of a White Buffalo Calf in the wild of Yellowstone National Park named WAKAN GLI. The news is found in Native American articles and if you were to search this online, you would find crass jokes and photos on major search engines that are CHAOS attempting to delude the algorithms with their ugliness.

It was evident that the PROPHECY WAS BECOMING a REALITY and the Dark Forces had their fangs in deep refusing to let go.

The political forefront staving off WWIII has been an ongoing threat as Russia Bombs Ukraine and Palestine & Isreal keep their battles raging. Chronic illness and homelessness along with Crimes Against Humanity raging in North America. Borders that are left open for this to continue and no one seems to be watching. COVID brought isolation to the truth.

Biden would pass the torch to Harris for chance at Presidency and allow their administration to be carried over for the next 4 years if she were elected, stating his mental capacity was an issue.

July 13, 2024, President Donald Trump would have a near-death experience with a bullet just grazing his EAR, while the "Minds full of Science" who held XANDRAH captive would be screaming in her head "Can You Hear Me Now"? Can you?

A first responder was murdered at the rally, leaving his daughters fatherless, Just like Oyasin, Xandrah's son, who was left fatherless by the Chaotic forces. The first responders are being targeted throughout COVID, as were all people who were attempting to help rescue victims and/or would not align to their CHAOTIC designs.

Donald Trump, in 2020, placed a war out on Human Traffickers, Child traffickers included, that was shadowed by the outbreak of COVID. Not many know about this.

Natural disasters, NOT so natural, began to overpower the East Coast of North America. Storms are said to be the most devastating in history and the aftermath has not been calculated fully.

On October 9th, 2024, which also marked my late brother Michael's birthday and John Lennon's birthday, and a year in passing since RFK, Jr., confirmed rumors of his running for presidency, Hurricane MILTON was on track to make a direct impact on the Tampa Bay Area where I lived.

This hurricane arrived weeks after Hurricane HELENE struck Western NC, Tennessee, and Georgia, including Asheville and its neighboring areas, causing significant devastation. The aftermath of this hurricane had already claimed over 200 lives, with the downtown Art District being left in ruins. Despite these tragedies, many beloveds have united to support each other through these difficult times.

On October 9, 2024, I faced a challenging situation during a flood evacuation when I had no means of transportation. I had to bail 70 gallons of water from my home before collapsing from exhaustion in my small 290-square-foot studio. While I was asleep, two large oak trees almost broke through the roof, landing precariously with leaves just touching the building, another 45 degree angle, and it would be more of a disaster. The stress of not being able to evacuate, combined with my previous experience of the 2018 Lava flow eruption in Hawaii, forcing me back on grid in Florida, has left me physically drained.

On October 11, 2024, Team Kennedy shared the sad news of Ethel Skakel Kennedy's passing via email. As my home was being dried out from Hurricane Milton, this news was received quietly yet profoundly moving. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s eulogy highlighted his mother's storytelling abilities, similar to Xandrah's. Ethel Kennedy was politically conscious and endured the loss of her husband, sons and brother in-law and other family members, including her son "Michael". She also had a faithful companion named "Rusty," who, much like Max the Hawk to Xandrah, returned in various lifetimes as a beloved Irish setter.

"Rusty" is also my cherished Aunt Dolores' nickname, who I have mentioned previously in my blog. The similarities and coincidences continue, and by the way, my father's full legal name is Bobby Saint. He was a musician in the Navy and music has been my medicine all my life. I would never the chance to meet him, as I only learned of who he was at the end of 2019. He was already in heaven.

October 23, 2024, President Joe Biden came out weeks before this election to APOLOGIZE for the Native American Boarding School Policy in a shocking display of truth-telling of the horror story of this Crime Against Humanity. He speaks of his part in this crime. Each has their own opinion, I watched this with a sense of fear and this ended with "Opportunities" being offered to the Tribal Nations. Much to ponder. There have been mixed reactions and people have called the numerous trauma phonelines due to the facts of this story and his relation to it being so alarming.

The election is in a few days, I have already voted so as not to be stopped at the polls.

I AM sovereign

These are the most important times of our Lives!

So honored to be here for all my Grand Children, and my Great-Grand Children, to live Healthy lives in a H.O.M.E. (Heaven On Mother Earth) where Freedom & Happiness are our's to enjoy.

It's a story to be told, not a story to be sold!

This Tree-Free version is easily passed around.

You can gift it to family and friends as often as you like.


From the Red of her Molten Core

To the Orange of the Cavern Floors

To the Yellow Grains of Shifting Sand

To the Green Growing ones of the Land.

To the Blue, Blue, Waters, Drinking in the Sky.

To the Indigo Tapestry, of Universal Space and Time.

& I Know Nothing.


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