Blue Lotus ~ the mystery of this wild water lilly, was always kept sacred, until recently.
I knew not the power of this unique flower. ... it was her divine beauty that reached out to me over, and over and over again, wherever I went in nature, to sit by her... she called to me.
I felt her essence and gently asked ... "what may I offer to you for all the beauty you give ?"
She said ... "Let me dream with you!"
There wasn't any information available about Blue Lotus that I could find in those days. I felt that she was too beautiful to consume, so I sat by her, took photos over many years, closed my eyes and had a dream.
The dream took me to Egypt, where I was dressed in a Golden Winged Dress. I walked straight into the ocean. End of Dream. I was called to join up with others. Interrupted so to speak. This photo was taken at a friend's home on the Big Island, Hawaii. ❤️2010

I never touched Blue Lotus. She was too beautiful! Instead, I found her in many ponds and waited for her to bloom, which she did, every day around noontime. Arriving from the murky waters and rising up to kiss the sun! Perfect, without a speck of mud or green leaf! My meditations sitting next to her, were very peaceful.
A dear friend gave me a small vial of Blue Lotus Oil. One smell of this amazing flower, immediately woke my Root Chakra with a deep feeling of opening. My Heart Chakra was resonate and then... the mind awakening with a thought of pure bliss! I had to know more.

How I experience a flower is a bit different than most. How I inhale an essence is also unique. It teaches me about the plant. After I journey with the plant, tasting, smelling, feeling, listening, I then seek affirmation and confirmation of my experience through outside sources. This is how you find your Plant Allies!

Blue Lotus was a Mystery kept Sacred until 2020's, when the availability of information sprung up all knowledgeable people selling Blue Lotus at an amazing rate of speed. Sadly, sustainable resourcing is not possible with this amount of desire for people to experience Nymphea. The Mystery is no longer Sacred. However, it is enjoyable and most definitely an activating plant that needs a bit more attention and recognition for its ability to heal the spirit, body and intellect.

Please stay with me here, as the Ritual begins ... you will learn some amazing facts and will be able to Create your own Magic with Blue Lotus in ways you never dreamed of! ....

I leave you with this thought today ...
" When All Else Fails ... TWIRL! " isadora duncan
If you would like to try a bit of Blue Lotus Tincture or a few dried flowers:
