There is no doubt that this sweetly fragrant flower attracts those who know.
My journey with Damiana started when I was only 15 years old. The local apothecary where I lived had the very best selection of herbals and potions you could ever ask for. I spent hours and many stories in that store with the shop owner who always had something "new" to try.
One day, in the same shop I was offered a satchel of a ground-up herb and asked to smell it! I was then taught a little about how it was a Mexican Sacred Plant to help people who were in Lack of Desire for Life and Love. That day, she became my favorite herb. The scent of Damiana is all I craved for!
Damiana intrigued me throughout time, however, I never "sat" with her because I was young and full of Creative Love for Life! She still smelled so heavenly! Her scent alone brings a sense of exotic wonder. Such a tiny flower, a little shrub that one could pass by easily. I kept a satchel for smelling, like a bee to its favorite flower.
I began drinking her as a tea throughout life and the flavor so unique and enticing that you want more before you have finished the last sip!
Damiana did not call to me until recently, now no longer with my Moon. A dwindling of my creative spirit has caused me to revisit my inner-knowing and seek what it is I need to align myself with to gain in better not bitter spirits. My guides and teachers of the plants brought me to her.
I chose to work with this medicine, which means, I sit with Damiana and drink of her tea. I add her to food and smoke of her herb. I smell her in satchels. I take the time necessary and study the effects I receive. Most effects I can "feel" within the first few minutes to hours. Do I feel anything more or less? Where am I experiencing these feelings? Is this pleasing? Am I Aware of my embodiment, or not? There are 7 layers of Dhatus that I allow to experience the medicine. With meditation and with music, beautiful sounds, pleasing scents, I allow the plant to experience … ME! This takes a bit of time, a little over a month if you are really enjoying yourself.
I then, go to my private book library and look a bit more into the studies of phytochemistry, efficacy and the propensities of the plant. What do other's use it for? What are the contraindications? What harm can it do? I then check into 3 online resources. After a month's time, I am able to compare my personal plant relationship experience with the references that I turn to, as I verify my reaction to the plant "medicine". I trust my responses at this point in life, where this has been a habit and a practice.
So now… what about Damiana? Well… she not only smells divine, she tastes like a sweet spicy flower, arriving from Mexican Roots. Damiana helped to wake up my endocrine & nervous systems. Relaxing, nurturing, calming. I noticed my appetite was becoming less, and I started to lose the unhealthy weight I had gained throughout trauma and nervous eating. When our hormones are balanced, we have a mechanism that shuts off our appetite when we have eaten "just enough". The energy received was very steady and even, meaning, I had no jitters or shakes.
This Yellow Flower is perfect for the 3rd chakra! Please watch Dr. Joe Dispenza's REWIRED series on on Gaia.com His segment Blessing the Energy centers took away the Mystical theories yet made a SACRED reality as to what the chakra system really is!
There is so much out there on this wonderful flower, I will share a few popular links with you if you wish to dive deeper, however, I recommend my Cacao, Damiana, Blue Lotus tincture! It's my most favorite blend yet. Tonight, as I have had a few drops, I can express that this is one you will want to always have nearby to share with your beloved.
The mysticism in this plant is very lovely, she returns one's Love for Life!
I leave you with this thought today ...
"If there is love, allow forgiveness
If there is hope, allow faith
If there is a beginning, allow an ending
for life is to short to wait!" - asg
