Allow me to invite you on a Wild Adventure Wild Crafting and Creating Natural Remedies with Flowers, Herbs & Plant Medicines!
~ Food is Our Medicine when we Receive & Accept the Gentle Messages of the Green & Growing Ones! ~
Wildly, Aiyana, wants to take you on an adventure! Wild-Crafting is an art that provides one with a sense of self-reliance! By getting into nature while discovering the ways of the Green& Growing Ones, we learn to Walk the Earth in Balance. Anyone, anywhere can Wild Craft! When you can create your remedies of energetic blends of herbal roots, flowers, fruit, leaves, and vines, you can provide yourself with an Apothecary of Wellness! The First of Seven Lessons is designed to teach the basic principles of how to sustainably resources from the Plant Kingdom, aka, “The Green & Growing Ones!” We will go outdoors and do a live wildcrafting journey teaching how to choose your “medicine” wisely in your local community. You will learn what tools & supplies you need to have a fun day walking in nature, enjoying the sunrise, and loving the sunset! The following Six Lessons go over how to produce your very own Apothecary items!
You will learn what supplies, tools & items you need to bottle up, jar up, & seal up your very own: Tinctures, Oils, Food, Tea, Oxymels, Florals, and Shrubs! Each lesson will cover a specific herb to learn about, offering inspiration for the student to do their homework locating their very own “ally”. A few of my plant allies are Calendula, Dandelion, and Blue Lotus. Although you cannot wild-craft blue lotus, we will learn how to find the plants an individual wishes to work with, on-line and in local organic food stores!