I am a Nibbler Enabler at this stage of my Sacred Beingness! I like to Empower others to find their lost hearts, to RISE UP and be among those who are choosing, "A Culture of Love", and who are transcending, "A Culture of War". It is not an egoic term, "Sacred Beinginess". Ask that FunGuy! He will let you know! ; ) Many people are rising up and doing all they can to get to a place of "ascension", or a moment of peace. They yearn to heal past their childhood traumas, and heal ancestral DNA wounds. They are choosing alternative practices to help them let go of fear, guilt, and anxiety. Some are learning for the first time that they embody "fear" and this fear is something that they can release safely! This year of the Wood Dragon 2024, we are awakening to many facts and are embarking on a "Psychedelic - Spiritual Renaissance!" People are "Remembering Who They Are". There are many who want to get past the point of being ANGRY at the fact they FORGOT!. Yeah, if the shoe fits, kick someone else in the booty! Can you feel me here? Feelings are good things! Not something to be ashamed of. Too Sensitive? Feelings are meant to be felt, and moved through your vessel as an emotive frequency. Feelings are real resonant and yes, that resonance is a feeling. Feelings are catchy! "Let that S*it GO! Just Breathe! We Are the Ones that We Have Been Waiting For! or Woke as Fu*k!", tends to get people who feel "Okay with the Norm" a bit agitated. Standing up with feelings can get you shut down by people who forgot they were as Sacred as You Are. Perhaps these people who despise your feelings already feel "Awoke" and do not want to be "Fu*k'erd with!" Then "Fu*k Your Feelings!" becomes a mantra. The "agitation" caused by feelings against your feelings can be a good thing. Agitation is a "signal" that can allow introspection if guided by a teacher, coach, muse, healer, activator, or medicine in the proper setup. This "agitation signal" can provoke positive CHANGE!
Yes, this type of signal is where psychedelics can meet psychology with spirituality! With the integration of positive actions, expressing agitation, feeling it, and then releasing it, can be a great opportunity to Walk in Balance! Embracing the Shadow of Unawareness & Stepping into the Light of Awareness! Deep down, to the core of your inner knowing, you understand you have the right to feel the way you feel. We all have feelings and in my family, we were allowed to express our feelings. Even my dog is allowed to express her feelings in my home. When Oppressed of your feelings, you become depressed. Oppression is a Social Injustice. "F*XK Your Feelings" an ugly injustice. People who have "accepted their oppression" have been caught up in society and are often accepting of "the way it is". They have been blown out of their awareness, safe in the comfort of allowing others to feel for them. Many are happy of the Way It Is and would never question authority. That in and of itself is okay and it is awesome, they FEEL SAFE, as is their right. However, if they get agitated hearing others have a different viewpoint, then perhaps they should let that s*^t go.
In this time of greater expansion of the human spirit, people FEAR not being 100% correct about who they CHOOSE to be! Choosing who they want to be develops Personality.
Are we are given Our Freedom of Choice by Authority, or is Our Freedom of Choice our birthright of our Originality?
The Great Mystery within is the Void. People fear the Void, yet are so deep within it, they FEAR the LIGHT! They forgot that they were Sacred and they are angry, they "forgot". The ego is a trickster. These simple words are deep and can go roundabouts and when in the proper setup bring great enlightenment.
Comparisons, competition, judgments, jealousy, prejudice. Are a few of the shadows that need to be brought into the light. "Why are you more Awoke than I am?, What makes YOU the ONE?, Don't Call me the Lost Tribe!" are core feelings and if guided appropriately the "argument" can shift a heart into an open place where anger no longer exists! Only Mutual Respect!
When an Angry Personality assaults you with their shadows and you ask, "Have you done Your Shadow Work?", most likely, they will purge their shadows at your feet in their anger and righteousness. Essentially, what happens is that you end up stepping right into the center of their yuckiest vomit. Do not do this barefoot, this is contagious! Those who have done their "shadow work", know what I am saying here.
It is not Easy Being Breezy and full of Love and Anchoring the Light! You will be stepping into the dark and you will need tools of navigation, not just the "key words and hashtag prompts" that tend to be everyone's idea of navigating through to a "happy ending".
It is not that easy reminding people how they are Sacred. Psychology is not Spirituality. This IS the Integration. Using Plant Medicines to open to one's deepest, buried, wounded Spirit is what we are truly navigating through. Please wear boots, the muck is deep!
We, the Lost Tribes, are returning to the Plant Kingdom, seeking the medicine that we need to AWAKEN our SACREDNESS. Those Green & Growing ones that sprout out of the earth, waiting to share their wisdom and allow us humans an expanding heart in coherence with the most intelligent mind. The do this with the deepest nurturing and healing! I feel the plants are teaching us all that we need in this time.
The Rainbow Prophecy reveals that there is a Quickening, for Humanity to "GET THIS RIGHT"! I am merely a Muse! I am a VERY EXPERIENCED Great-grandmother who has been on this path. Our Inner-Knowing is our Birth Right. Love is our Birth Right.
Thank you My Beautiful, extremely large DNA Family, for allowing me my Freedoms teaching me to be an Empowered, Intelligent Beautiful Soul who had CHOICES to make, and those CHOICES respected. Didn't I get my booty kicked for being so beautiful once I left the nest!?
Have I done my Own Shadow Work? Still on it! My experience is one I wouldn't wish on any other individual, as my Shadows didn't want me to escape. Betcha' they are lingering watching, and are deeply shocked as I type this. : ) I have buried plenty of other soul's purge and it IS Contagious. I feel that is my point here. The Dark Night of the Souls isn't a "whatever you want to call it" thing. It's a Real Happening.
I say to My Darkness, "You Came to Me for a Reason". I know that in order to Walk in Balance, I have to embrace both sides of light and dark. I Love my Light, yet have to Embrace my Shadows to understand my Darkness so that I can find the beauty within both, without fear. My shadows are a personal battle. When I find myself in the battle, this is how I Walk in Balance.
I am not a judgmental person, I transcend this into a CHOICE of DISCERNMENT & I HAVE BOUNDARIES.
I am not a jealous person, I transmute the feeling of "jealousy", into INSPIRATION.
I am not a prejudice person, I look at the DIFFERENCES and find BEAUTY.
I am not a competitive person, I RESPECT YOUR STRENGTHS and DO NOT POINT OUT YOUR WEAKNESSESS, choosing all to be Equal.
I find happiness in the little things and I am grateful for this life!
I will not be a fearful person as that is not Love. The Duality of LOVE is FEAR, not hate. Hate is fear of differences, intolerance, prejudice. FEAR is why we go to WAR. FEAR is not LOVE.
This is a small example of Shadow Work and Transmuting the FEAR that keeps us from LOVE. Fear keeps us LOST, keeps us in a state of Forgetfulness, Anger, Shame. Fear keeps us in the nightmare. Collectively, we are divided in Fear.
We live in a beautiful world, happy, joyful, where you can run barefoot and ground to the earth in a way that is POWERFUL. Any living being on this planet is full of LIFE and is pure SPIRIT, therefore, all life upon this planet is SPIRITUAL.
Manifestation 101 begins with realizing U-n-I-VERSE-all MAGIC exists! You & I in One Verse with the ALL. We can manifest anything we write, speak or think. The mind is a universal playground. The way to TELL the future is to WRITE it down. We manifest good and we manifest our worst nightmares. As we realize we are powerful and can manifest everything we want, lets remember the collective consciousness and know that we can manifest within the Creative Playing Field. Why are we looking for Armageddon? We have to Create New Stories if we ever want to return to our human nature of feeling safe in our human body, on a safe planet.
You can CREATE your LIFE and SEE it the way you WANT IT TO BE. Do not focus on what you do not want. You will get it. Do not curse others, you are only cursing yourself. The Universe does not understand that YOU are thinking of another person, it only hears your thoughts. To hate anything is to hate all things. Your imagination gets over written by your fears. The way you do ONE thing, is how you do ALL things.
See your life the way you want it to be... if you haven't discovered your innate sense of Sacredness, now is the time. You CREATE the WORLD YOU LIVE IN. Cocreate the Beauty with others... it will be!
I feel that nibbling a bit more cacao and psylocibin, will take this to the next level. Yes, I am a Nibbler Enabler. I find that psylocibin helps people to open, blossom and RISEUP to their Sacred Beinginess, dropping the EGOIC shadows and embracing a bit more humility, grace and lightness in their smiles!
Yes! Own it! You are a Sacred Being Capable of Human Powers that are sooooo amazing that you no longer need to fear it! Get on with Your Outrageous, Humble, Intelligent, Magical self! Nibble, nibble, nibble!
I leave you with this thought today....
“Love means to reach for the sky and with every breath to tear a hundred veils. Love means to step away from the ego, to open the eyes of inner vision and not to take this world so seriously” rumi