Easter! Eostre! Ostara! There's that White Rabbit Again! ~ Rising up from its Hole in the Ground! What a Blessing to Receive this Day of New Beginnings! ~ yes! I feel as fresh and new as a baby chick! I have so many surprises to share, and so many wonderful new arrivals to be grateful for!
I am adding new products to my Apothecary Product line. Blue Lotus, Blue Vervain, Skullcap and Mugwort. All PERFECT for Spring and the beauty of lucidity & Awakening!
I have to give thanks for my new blessings of family! Welcome to my 6th grandchild Mila Dawn. Unique as a Golden SunStar!
Happy Easter EveryBunny! ~ The Future Looks Brighter and Brighter! Keep Shining!
